Tutorial- 1 - Numpy
- Due Dec 31, 2023 by 11:59pm
- Points 10
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- Available Dec 27, 2022 at 12pm - Mar 31, 2024 at 11:59pm over 1 year
Tutorial : 1 - Explore Numpy library to analyze data.
- Import NumPy library.
- Create 1D array with 5 elements.
- Create 1D array with 5 elements random value. (by default values between 0 to 1)
- Generate random value from range 5 to 15 with 1D array size 10.
- Create 2D array - 4 by 3 size.
- Create 2D array with size 3 by 3. Elements values are random number(by default values between 0 to 1)
- Generate random value from range 5 to 15 with 2D array size 3 by 3.
- Create 3D array with size 2 * 3 * 2.
- Initialize 5 by 5 array with all values are zeros.
- Initialize 5 by 5 array with all values are ones.
- Initialize 5 by 5 array with all values are particular values (consider 4).
- Create identity matrix with all diagonal values are 1 and rest all values are zeros.
- Find out shape of array.
- Find dimension of array.
- Find no. of elements of from above any array.
- Find type of array.
- Find maximum value from array.
- Find minimum value from array.
- Find average (mean) values from array.
- Find location of maximum value from array.
- Create two 2D array of size 3 by 3 and perform four basic mathematical operations
- Print index 2 value (indexing)
- Print value of index 2 to 5 (slicing)
- Print from index 0 to 5 values
- Print from index 5 to all
- Reassign value for particular index.
- Extract elements from index 1 to 7 with a step of 2.
- Print Reverse the array.